Post-doc opportunity (closed)
Large Language Models and a Well-Rounded Approach to Human Flourishing
Post-Doctoral Opportunity: The Ethics of Large Language Models (LLMs) and Human Flourishing. If you are you passionate about ethics in technology and intrigued by the normative implications of Large Language Models (LLMs), join us in a groundbreaking research project that seeks to redefine the discourse on LLMs by focusing on human flourishing.
**Project Title:** Large Language Models and a Well-Rounded Approach to Human Flourishing
As AI systems, particularly Large Language Models (LLMs), become increasingly prevalent, there is growing concern about their ethical implications for society. Most discussions on this topic focus solely on the risks and harms associated with LLMs, overlooking their impact on human flourishing. As part of the Notre Dame-IBM Technology Ethics Lab call, this project aims to fill this gap by applying a virtue ethics approach to LLM environments and their relationship with the human good.
**Position and Tasks**
The position is funded by the Notre Dame-IBM Technology Ethics Lab, and is in collaboration with Don Howard, co-director of Ethics of Emerging Technologies focus area at University of Notre Dame’s Reilly Center for Science, Technology, and Values.
As a post-doc in this project, you will be involved in developing a normative framework for evaluating the goodness of AI tools and LLMs in particular, as well as developing an Embedded Ethics module that will be integrated in computer science courses at the University of Notre Dame and the Technion.
**Location:** Technion-Israel Institute of Technology
**Start Date:** Summer 2024
**Salary**: Competitive
If you're passionate about ethics, technology, and human flourishing, and possess expertise in applied ethics, political philosophy or philosophy of technology or similar areas, we invite you to join us in this exciting research journey! Apply now to be part of a transformative project shaping the discourse on AI ethics.
To apply please send an email by 15 Aug, 2024 indicating your interest to project leader Dr. Avigail Ferdman, avigailf@technion.ac.il, along with your CV, a list of publications, a writing sample and the names of 2 referees.
For further inquiries including salary and duration, please get in touch with Avigail Ferdman avigailf@technion.ac.il