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Public Goods

What do we owe each other in terms of flourishing? Does the social, institutional and cultural environment matter for flourishing, and should it be equal for all? read about this here.

On Technology affordances and human flourishing which opened up a very interesting debate on integrating ethics into action theory


I am interested in the relationship between the nature of public goods (natural parks, roads, the humanities, basic science) and the degree of responsibility that people have to pay for these goods.

For why we should support public goods see Why the intrinsic value of public goods matters

On justice and urban land use see On the just distribution of land use rights (With Levine-Schnur R.)

Smart Cities

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Can the Smart City really  fulfill on its promise to create better cities? And how do we account for issues like equality and flourishing in the tech-driven mode of city governance?

Will the autonomous vehicle improve our lives? A healthy degree of skepticism is recommended. More about the affects on human capacities in Bowling alone in the autonomous vehicle: the ethics of well-being in the driverless car


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